Earn Rewards & Exclusive Benefits
Join the Phoenix Active Loyalty Program to where you get rewarded for shopping with us. Get member-only discounts, early access to new collections, and special birthday gifts.
Phoenix Active Rewards
Join to get access to exclusive benefits and more.
Phoenix Rewards is a loyalty program offered by Phoenix Active, providing exclusive benefits and rewards when you sign up.
Phoenix Rewards is a loyalty program offered by Phoenix Active, providing exclusive benefits and rewards when you sign up.
Yes, there is no cost to join Phoenix Rewards. Join by signing up with your email.
Yes, there is no cost to join Phoenix Rewards. Join by signing up with your email.
Enjoy automatic early access to drops and sales, access exclusive drops and promotions, and priority restock notifications.
Enjoy automatic early access to drops and sales, access exclusive drops and promotions, and priority restock notifications.
Just sign up with your email!
Just sign up with your email!